Gardasil Warning

 I received the e-mail below today from an e-zine that I subscribe to.  It is regarding the Gardasil vaccine.  I was already aware of the great controversy and of a few deaths that had occurred due to the vaccine, and I had previously signed a petition to stop its use.

 After reading the message below, I clicked on the link – – and watched the YouTube video.  I am absolutely horrified.

Please, please, please – pass this along to everyone who you know no matter what you think their views are.  We CANNOT allow any more young girls suffer at the hand of Merck and Gardasil.  Personally, I will do whatever I have to do to keep my girls and women from getting that vaccine. You will be their guinea pig – the risk is just too great.

If you or someone you know has gotten the vaccine with no known or visible side affects to date, however this does not mean that there won’t be delayed side affects. Now…….ask yourself if you would have made the same decision if you had known then what you now know after watching this video.  Will you let others take that same risk without passing along this information?  I cannot. Read the email below.
Dear ETR Reader,

32 Girls Have Died after receiving the Gardasil vaccination
11,916 adverse events already reported to the CDC… and counting.
Pain and swelling. Life-threatening muscle weakness. Blood clots in the heart and lungs.
And worst of all the deaths of 32 innocent girls and young women.
You might think I’m talking about a deadly new disease or a global epidemic..  I’m not.
Sadly, it’s more sinister than that. The health threats listed above have all been linked with Gardasil, the so-called “cervical cancer prevention vaccine.” And thanks to Pharma giant Merck, desperate parents and naive young women believe this vaccine saves lives… they couldn’t be more wrong.
That’s why HSI’s Jenny Thompson has released a new video in which she exposes the deception for what it is…and reveals some truly shocking information no one else is talking about.
And you are the very first to see it.
Please, if you have daughters, granddaughters or friends who might be considering this terrible vaccine, you must watch this video. And please forward it to anyone you think would benefit from the vital information it contains.
If you think you know the whole story on Gardasil, I think you’ll be shocked by what you’re about to see. Just click here start watching the video. It’s just a few minutes long… and those few minutes might save a young girl’s life.
–MaryEllen Tribby
CEO & Publisher, Early to Rise

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