By Larry Snyder aka Peace Eagle, 2004
Humanity as we have known it is on the verge of a major paradigm shift. This paradigm shift is on the magnitude that humanity went through when we moved from the hunting and gathering people to people who lived, worked in, and created cities.
The driving force behind this shift was provided by NASA in 1972. This was the year humanity received its first picture of our earth home from outer space. This was the year that the ideas of a nation state started to end and people of planet earth started to understand on a subconscious level that our planet was part of great interdependent system. This is also the time that humanity started to realize on a subconscious level that the idea of duality was an obsolete idea and that humanity and all of Gods creation is also interdependent. At this time the people trapped in the old paradigm of duality started to aggressively work to maintain their perceived control over the people of planet earth.
This paradigm shift is affecting all government, religious, social, business, and cultural organizations presently on planet earth. The uniting force behind this shift is the individual members of humanity’s desire to understand themselves and how the individual relates to the rest of humanity. In short the individual wants to know and understand what it means to be a human being not a human doing.
In the world of duality we have been taught to be human doings not human beings. The more I do and the more things I get the happier I should be. This is not what humanity is experiencing at this time in our evolution. What humanity is experiencing is that the harder I work and the more things I get the less time have to spend with my family, friends, and myself. We have achieved a higher quality of life on the physical level and have lowered the quality of life on the spiritual level. This is why the institutions responsible for creating our materialistic society will fail. The failure will come because these institutions have dehumanized society and the people that live within this society.
The paradigm shift humanity is experiencing is a spiritual shift. This shift is from one of duality to one of interconnectedness and interdependence. The first phase of this shift is happing on the physical level. We are presently experiencing this interconnection and
interdependence in our banking, business, manufacturing, and communication systems.
The next phase will be on the spiritual level. Humanity will live and think as an interconnected and interdependent people under the laws of one God. This will be end of the laws of man.
The uniting feature for this shift is coming out of the study of human thought. Each human being is the creator of their own individual reality through their action that follows their thoughts. Human being can have two types of thoughts, one type is creative and the other is destructive. If a thought is creative, that thought will have a positive energy attached to it. If a thought is destructive, that thought will have a negative energy attached to it. If we look at thought from a spiritual point of view, we begin to understand that positive thoughts are attached to the energy of Love, and negative thoughts are attached to the energy of Fear.
The idea of human thought is the Golden Rule found in ten of the World’s Greatest Religions.
“Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”
“Do not unto others what you would not they should do unto you”
“In five ways should a clansman minister to his friends and familiars — by generosity, courtesy and benevolence, by treating them as he treats himself, and by being as good as his word.”
“Do not to others, which, if done to thee, would cause thee pain.”
“No one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”
“As thou deemest thyself so deem others. Then shalt thou become a partner in heaven.”
“What is hurtful to yourself, do not to your fellow man.”
“In happiness and suffering, in joy and grief, we should regard all creatures as we regard our own self.”
“That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self.”
“Regard your neighbor’s gain as your own gain and regard your neighbor’s loss as your own loss.”
The question is, when will humanity open their collective eyes and hearts to see the interconnectedness and interdependence of all world religions.
The major spiritual shift will come when humanity fully understands the idea of One God and each human being possesses all of the attributes of this One God. Humanity will also understand that all the attributes of this One God are connected to the Love God has for all of Gods children. When this is realized humanity will experience heaven is here on earth.
When this will this happen? The answer to the question is when humanity shifts its thoughts from Fear to Love. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Love is Luminance Organism Vibrating Eternally.
What am I doing to create this new reality? I have defined my five most important attributes of God. These attributes are Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light. In the morning when I awake, and at night before I go to sleep, I perform the following visioning process.
I place myself in a quite state of mind and relax.
I visualize filling my being with Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light.
I fill my home with Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light.
I fill my city with Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light.
I fill my County with Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light.
I fill my State with Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light.
I fill the United States of America with Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light.
I fill our world with Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light.
I fill our universe with Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light.
I fill all of Gods creation with Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light.
I visualize all of Gods creation in Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light and realize that there is only one God and One creation and we are all ONE.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to my brother George W. Bush, President of the United States of America
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to my brother Richard B. Cheney, Vice President of the United States of America.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all my brothers and sisters who work in the Executive Branch of the Government of the United States of America.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to my brothers and sisters who work in the Legislative Branch of the Government of the United States of America.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to my brothers and sisters who work in the Judicial Branch of the Government of the United States of America.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to my brothers and sisters who work in the Department of Defense within the Government of the United States of America.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all my brothers and sisters working on the congressional bill to create the United States Department of Peace. I visualize this bill being accepted by all branches of the Government of the United States of America and our country being the guiding light to achieving world peace.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to the Country of Afghanistan. I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all my brothers and sisters living in the Country of Afghanistan, and to my brother and sisters visiting the Country of Afghanistan.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to the Country of Iraq. I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all my brothers and sisters living in the Country of Iraq, and to my brother and sisters visiting the Country of Iraq.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to the Country of Iran. I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all my brother and sisters living in the Country of Iran, and to my brother and sisters visiting the Country of Iran.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to the State of Israel. I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all my brothers and sisters living in the State of Israel, and to my brother and sisters visiting the State of Israel.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to the Country of North Korea. I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all my brothers and sisters living in Country of North Korea, and to my brother and sisters visiting the Country of North Korea.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to the Country of Sudan. I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all my brothers and sisters living in Country of Sudan, and to my brother and sisters visiting the Country of Sudan.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to the Country of Ukraine. I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all my brothers and sisters living in Country of Ukraine, and to my brother and sisters visiting the Country of Ukraine.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to the Country of Haiti. I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all my brothers and sisters living in Country of Haiti, and to my brother and sisters visiting the Country of Haiti.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to our world. I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all my brothers and sisters living in our world, and to my brothers and sisters visiting our world.
I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all of Gods creation. I send Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all my brothers and sisters living within Gods creation.
As I travel in my day-to-day activities I fill my being with Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light and visualize emitting Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to all of Gods creation.
When I enter a new space I fill the space with Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light.
As I sit at my desk to complete this writing I realize that to day is December 21, 2004 the day of the Winter Solstice. I think about Winter asthe season to contemplate Spring, Summer, and Fall. Spring is the time to create new beginnings. Summer is the time to cultivate and to grow. Fall is time to harvest the rewards from the energy expended during Spring and Summer. Winter is also a time to contemplate the new beginning I desire to create in the Spring of my next life cycle.
I also realize that the first day of Winter is a few days before the Christians of the world celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ. Springis also a time when this blessed one showed all of humanity his transformation from a simple human being to the resurrection of his true spiritual identity. This is true spiritual identity that is in all of humanity and in all of Gods creation.
As I close this writing I also realize that I am writing only to myself and I am sharing the inner most Love I have for myself and the rest of theworld. It is not important to me that you agree or disagree with my ideas. It is important that you accept this writing and its ideas with Love for sharing Love is my inner most intent. In the words of another blessed one, Mother Teresa.
You see, in the final analysis, it is all between you and God; It is never between you and them anyway.
During this Winter season I ask you to contemplate performing this visualization, or a modified version of this visualization. If enough
beings perform this visualization we will resurrect our planet and humanity into it our true spiritual identity. An identity that’s creation is based on Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light.
If you would like to transform yourself and the world you live in into a world of Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light, I invite you to join me in performing this visualization. I also invite you to invite your friends to join in this visualization.
I will be performing this visualizing until its goal is achieved or I transcend my human form. I am a very patient person.
Please feel free to distribute this visualization far and wide. If you choose to join me please send me an e-mail at
May We Become The Peace We Want Our World To Be;
Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Light to All;
Larry Snyder aka Peace Eagle